Derek Thomas MP showed his support for work experience by giving two local Year 10 students the opportunity to shadow his team for a week
Henry, from the Isles of Scilly, and Raphael, from Penzance, spent the week gathering information about how a MPs office works, spending time in the office and out in the constituency with Derek, learning about the day to day work of an MP.
The two students attended online meetings, including a meeting of the Select Committee on Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (of which Derek is a member) about tree planting and woodlands, as well as webinars on climate change and brain tumour research, which are two subjects Derek promotes in Parliament.
They also attended in-person meetings at the council offices in Truro, and Henry joined a meeting with the Southerly Point Multi Academy Trust about the sustainability of schools and communities on the Lizard pensinsula.
Both students undertook constituency work, researching the answers to questions raised by constituents and giving Derek the information he needed to reply, and sorting out the letters Derek had received from children at Alverton School.
Henry said: “It was a fantastic opportunity to learn about not just how an MPs office works, but to gain valuable transferable skills. I was particularly interested in the work on the sustainability of schools on the Lizard, coming from a remote rural community myself.”
Raphael said: “I have found the topics I have been researching through the week very interesting and I feel I have been really engaged in the work.”
Derek Thomas concludes: “The opportunity for work experience is an area I have always encouraged so I’m glad that these two young lads could work in my office. Unfortunately Covid rules meant I couldn’t take them to Westminster, as I had planned, but there was more than enough for them to do in the constituency. I’m pleased that I was able to offer this, and grateful for what they brought to the office.”